In 2017-2018, The Board developed a Discussion Document on Strategic Capital Investments that may be needed within the complex in the next 10 to 15 years. The SMC Board of Directors prepared this document with two primary objectives:
a. To make Owners aware of potential capital investments that the Board and Owners need to consider and plan for in the coming years
b. To provide a systematic framework for gathering Owners views and opinions on these potential capital investments
The proposal was in the form of a questionnaire that sought Owners' opinions on the need and timing for such investments. The investments considered covered in the following areas:
Roofs: Replacement of all roofs
Windows and doors: Replacement of all of these throughout the complex
Building Exteriors: Replacement with a more functional exterior and modern appearance in keeping with the mountain environment
Lighting: Improve the appearance and consistency of the lighting throughout the property
Pool: Replacement of the pool and surrounding deck
Amenity Building: Remodeling of the upper and middle floors of the Amenity Building
Landscaping and Grounds: Continuation of Board efforts to introduce greenery into the property and break up its concrete appearance. Make more use of the grounds as an amenity for Owners and visitors
The documents arising from this process are provided for reference for Owners and future Board Members.
Executive Summary
The link below provides a summary of the main messages received by the Board and their proposed plan of action as a result of this feedback.
Capital Investment - Executive Summary
Strategic Plan for Capital Investment - Discussion Document
This link is to the original document presented to Owners outlining the various potential future capital investments, the Board's assessment of heir current state, and the case for capital investment.
Capital Investment Discussion Document - June 2018
Summary of Owner Feedback and Board Proposals March 2019
This link leads to a detailed discussion of the results of the survey feedback and the proposed plan of action proposed by the Board with respect to the various potential capital investments.